Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Best Croissant in Munich

I have had my suspicions for a long time and this morning I got confirmed. The best croissant of the city is served in Cafe Schneller in Amalienstraße, directly next to the university main building. Just make sure that you go there early, let's say before 11 a.m.. As long as the croissant is still warm from the oven, it is best.
I do think that I can judge about this because I have been living in France and since then refused to buy a croissant outside this country (except for when I am really in need of energy like before a half marathon or before climbing on a really high mountain).
You will not regret breaking this rule; I don't think that 3.80 Euros for the coffee and pastry is a high price considering the neighbourhood. And it is served with so much style!

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